
Issue Group 14: The Realities of Changing Expressions of Church

The different patterns for church planting aiming at different sections of the community and the effectiveness of this in reaching the unreached with the gospel.

The expected outcomes of the work done on this issue were:

  1. Note the emergence of the house church, cell groups, “seeker services”, Saturday night and mid-week church, cappuccino church, etc.
  2. The biblical position is that the local church is inclusive of all people regardless of gender, age or ethnicity. Relate to this in indicating biblical guidelines and the range of ways in which we can reach those who are unchurched (include in this category unemployed youth, youth with a minority but very strong culture such as motorbike riding gangs, young families, older people who have been attending church all their lives, ethnic communities who want to worship in their mother tongue) or whose cultural inheritance demands special attention.


Wilbert Shenk,
Professor at Fuller Theological Seminary

Sung Sam Kang, Korea
Professor of Mission at a Seminary in Seoul 

Read the Lausanne Occasional Paper (LOP) produced by this Issue Group:

LOP 43: The Realities of the Changing Expressions of the Church (.pdf format; 389 KB)