
Issue Group 24 Empowering Women and Men to Utilize Their Gifts Together for the Spread of the Gospel

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not gender related, so men and women need to empower one another to serve the Kingdom.

The expected outcomes of the work done on this issue were:

  1. Identify the Biblical grounds for ministry.
  2. Indicate the problems created when women are abused and how the church can speak to this issue so that the Christian community is a genuine expression of the body of Christ.
  3. Outline ways in which spiritual gifts can be used and developed and how men and women can minister together.
  4. Suggest ways that women can be freed from the various bondages placed upon them so they can effectively use their gifts in the proclamation of the gospel.


Mimi Haddad, USA
President, Christians for Biblical Equality

Juliet Thomas, India
Convenor Women’s Prayer Network, OM

Lorry Lutz, USA
Consultant, Global Action Women’s Network

Nanci Hogan

Read the Lausanne Occasional Paper (LOP) produced by this Issue Group:

LOP 53 Empowering Women and Men to Use Their Gifts Together in Advancing the Gospel
(.pdf format; 491 KB)