
Issue Group 6: Hidden and Forgotten People

Including those who have never heard the name of Jesus. Build on the information already available about the unreached and forgotten people groups as well as disabled persons and slum dwellers. Identify ways of challenging the church to take the gospel to these people.

The expected outcomes of the work done on this issue were:

  1. A reminder about the information already available and provide additional information which will alert the church to reach the unreached people groups in their midst as well in other countries.
  2. To lay a good biblical foundation about peoples in the Bible, and that bringing the Gospel to the Unreached Peoples has a high priority in the Kingdom of God.
  3. To study all the problems, which have hindered the preaching the Gospel to the ends of the world.
  4. The challenge of intercession for the UPGs: To work out ways, how the world-wide church can be made aware about this unfinished task.
  5. Identify forgotten people such as the mentally and physically disabled and share case studies of ways to reach these and other forgotten peoples with the love of Jesus.
  6. The ultimate goal: All peoples of this world will be represented in the eternal Kingdom.


Kent Parks
Southeast Asia Regional Facilitator, Network for Strategic Mission 

Werner & Else Jahnke,
Indonesian National Research Network

Joni Eareckson-Tada,
Founder & President, Joni and Friends

Imbumi Makuku

Emily Voorhies,
President, Women of Global Action

Read the Lausanne Occasional Papers (LOPs) produced by this Issue Group:

Ministry Among Least Reached People Groups (27% of the World) (.pdf format; 594 KB) 
Ministry Among People with Disabilities (.pdf format; 502 KB)